What is HLHS?

Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome means the left side of the heart did not develop normally. The left side is the most important and strongest side of the heart with its main job being to pump all oxygenated blood throughout the body. There is a series of three surgerys designed to reconstruct the heart allowing it to work using only two of the hearts four chambers. The first surgery is called the Norwood procedure and it is performed at birth. The Glenn procedure is performed at 6 to 9 months and the Fontan is done at 2-4 years.

Norwood - because the left ventricle connot pump blood adequately out to the body, the Norwood procedure allows the right ventricle to pump blood to both lungs and body.
Glenn - reduces the work of the right ventricle by allowing it to pump blood only to the body and allowing most of the blood to flow automatically from the body into the lungs
Fontan - allows the rest of the blood coming back from the body to go to the lungs