Monday, August 30, 2010

Surgery Day

Giving praises to God tonight for a successful surgery. Thank you everyone who sent up prayers on Tylers behalf. Our family could not get through this without your prayers,love and support.
Surgery started at around 9:00AM today and at around 2:30 we got to speak with Dr. Jacobs. He said that everything went very well, he was able to repair his valve by making it smaller and shorten the cords that hold the valve closed, by doing this the valve went from having a 70% leak to 1%. Even though the repair went well, he decided it would be best not to proceed with the Fontan today. This means that there will be yet another open heart surgery next year for his Fontan.
So far recovery is going well. For the most part he seems comfortable they are giving morphine and Tylenol every couple of hours to help control his pain. His heart rate, blood pressure and all his numbers are right where they are supposed to be. The plan for tonight is to just keep him as comfortable as possible and let him rest. Asking for continued prayers for a smooth and speedy recovery.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I will keep praying for him. He looks SO SWEET in the picture!! I can't imagine the stress of waiting 5.5 hrs to hear about surgery. We waiting 1.5 hrs for my dad's and that was nerve wracking enough. You guys are amazing!!
