Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Update on Tylers Progress

When Tyler came out of surgery he had two IV lines one in his hand and one in his foot an arterial line that went into his artery to constantly monitor his arterial pressures and another IV in his neck, a catheter, two chest tubes to help drain fluids, and four pacing wires(wires that are connected to his heart which can be connected to an external pacemaker if he has problems maintaining a good rhythm, they have not had to use this) and he was on 4 liters of oxygen.
Medically speaking he is doing really well. His blood pressure, heart rate and all his numbers are right where they need to be. He was pretty uncomfortable on Monday night. He was getting morphine and Tylenol almost every hour to help with pain but one of the side effects of morphine is restlessness so he was waking up frequently. When I would sing to him and rub his head he would settle down but he could not sleep longer than a few minutes at a time. Poor kiddo was also extremely thirsty but was only allowed to have a few tiny sips of water at a time. Between the pain, hunger, thirst and just being plain scared of what was going on it was a really rough time for him. Needless to say, it was a long night for all of us.
Yesterday was better for him. He started getting morphine on an as needed basis only which seemed to be about every 7 to 8hrs and is getting Tylenol and a another slightly less narcotic pain medicine every four hours. We hope to be able to wean him off the morphine completely today. He started eating and drinking yesterday and can have as much as he wants, they took out his catheter and arterial line and he is down to one half liter of oxygen. He was off oxygen completely for a couple of hours but eventually had to go back on. I think it is just painful for him to take big deep breaths. Overall it was a good day yesterday with good progress.
Last night was a great night for him. He seemed comfortable snuggled up with his blanket and bear and he was able to sleep most of the night. The goal for today is to try and get him sitting up and moving around a little more. If everything continues to go this well we may get to go home on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Praise God! What a sweet little boy he is! Does he have Pooh Bear? When I was in the nursery with him I always knew whose Pooh Bear that was! I am so thankful he is doing well! Praying for you too, I cannot even imagine how you must feel. But I am praying God will give you and Ben the peace of mind and strength that you need. God Bless!
