Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas piano recital

Last year, Nathans preschool started offering piano lessons as an after school activity for kids who were interested. At the time, I didnt sign him up because I really didnt think that he would like doing that. Oh boy was I wrong! One of his friends went to lessons and Nathan said he wanted to go too. I was extremely hesitant about this because first of all, we did not have a piano and he would need one to practice on. That would be a big expense and I was thinkingwhat if after a couple of months he decides he doesnt want to play after all? He seeemed like he was really interested in learning though, but still, he's only 5 and his interests seems to change daily. After a lot of praying and talking it over, we decided to let him try it. We thought that it would be a great extracuricular activity for him.
We found out that Mrs Debbie, a wonderful lady who plays piano for our church gives lessons. So he started going to Debbie's house for 1/2 hour every Tuesday. He's been going for 3 months now and says that he really likes learning but I have an awful hard time getting him to practice sometimes so we will see.
He had his very first piano recital this evening. Debbie had a few of her students along with parents over to play Christmas songs and have some cookies. I wasnt really sure how he would feel about playing in front of a group of people but he did really great! He played Jingle Bells. Most of the other kids were a little older but I think it was very encouraging for him to hear them play. We explained to him that if he keeps practicing he will be able to play like that too.
He's doing very well and I am extremely proud of him! I just hope he keeps it up!

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